1. When you enter your designated classroom, please be sure that both your projector and computer are turned on and that your computer cabinet is unlocked. Your SMARTboard should turn on with your computer.
2. When you open up the cabinet, you will be greeted by this screen
Hit CTRL + ALT + DELETE on your keyboard (Pictured Below)
3. After you hit those three keys, you should now see this screen
Click Other User unless you see your profile on the left, in which case click that one
4. When you select Other User, you will see a screen resembling this one
Type in your faculty user name and password
5. Once you're in your desktop, Click the Windows Start Button in the bottom left hand corner of the screen (pictured below).
Click the Documents icon in the right hand column. Your documents should be located here
And as always, if you find yourself stuck on any of these steps or have any trouble at all, please feel free to contact the Northpoint IT department at support@northpoint.edu for assistance.
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